Excellent employee recognition trophies services Arizona

Corporate awards company Arizona today: If you are looking for a classy and timeless award, you can never go wrong with a glass trophy. Thanks to the slight flexibility of the material, intricate shapes and designs of a wide variety become possible so that you can find the most unique award for your situation. Glass is also more scratch resistant than its acrylic cousin, although it will be more likely to break if dropped. This is why we make sure that your engraved trophies are taken care of by only our best engravers. See more info on trophies and awards Arizona.

The Caretaker: Keep an eye out for those who seems to go over the top on taking care of the workplace such as cleaning up shared areas. If you have a dedicated janitor then there is a good chance the recognition will go to them. Give them a special thank you with a gift card or a free lunch which is nearly always appreciated. This will show your team that every member of the team is valuable, not just those contributing to the bottom line.

Tempe Trophy is a family owned and operated company, representing three generations of expertise in the awards industry. We have been creating awards and products of the finest quality for more than 30 years. We are proud to be a leader in our industry and grateful for the tremendous endorsements we have received. In 2011, we were acknowledged by the Awards and Recognition Association (ARA) for our outstanding customer service and nominated as their International all Business Retailer of the Year. In 2013, we were nominated by the Tempe Chamber of Commerce for their Business of excellence Award. In 2014, the chamber also awarded us a 30 Year Plaque. In that same year, Isagenix awarded us their Outstanding Supplier Award. Find even more information on tempetrophy.com.

The highly anticipated Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! By now, many are feeling the excitement, or maybe feeling anxious about what to give their special someone. Although the classic flowers and chocolate is appreciated, it can get monotonous pretty quick. The ideal gift is something thoughtful and catered to your valentine’s specific taste. Of course, figuring out exactly what this perfect item is can be a challenge. If you’re one of the many finding yourself in this predicament, we’ve listed some unique ideas that can be customized just for you and your other half. Before you dive in though, remember that your gift doesn’t have to be expensive. As the saying goes, it’s not what you give, it’s the purpose of the giver. The smile on your partner’s face when they receive the perfect gift on Valentine’s Day is always worth the effort.

Why Does Employee Recognition Matter? It matters because it will help boost productivity, morale and lead to higher engagement levels for employees. In fact, a Mckinsey article shows that companies are facing an exodus of employees from exhaustion and starting to question what work really means. A simple pay upgrade or bonus does not always satisfy this question. In the end of the day we are all human and instinctively we crave social construct and belonging. This issue can be mitigated by offering corporate recognition awards or programs to your employees.

Safety Award: Do you have someone on your team that is a safety expert? Maybe someone who can point out some dangerous electrical outlets or that corner desk that everyone runs into. If they fit that description then this is a good opportunity for you to highlight. It will show your team that you care about their safety by noticing the individual who cares about everyone’s well being. Years of Dedicated Service Award: For those dedicated individuals that contributed many years to the company deserves a special thanks. Not only do you want to give them a memorabilia such as a crystal award but you want to make the day special and build up to giving them that award. Make sure to include everyone for that special day and think of it like a birthday. Make sure the day is filled with fun before presenting the quality memorabilia that they can place in their home. This way every time they look at the memorabilia their mind is filled with that special day that was deserved for their hard work.